
Tag Archives: Portuguese

“Stand Your Ground” is a phrase that is receiving great attention from media mongers and news consumers across America. But there are countless unreported killers far worse than George Zimmerman on the prowl; loose in Jewish communities all over the world. They are Messianics who would steal and lie to convert to Orthodox Judaism while still believing in Jesus!

It is a mitzvah to expose these liars and to protect the Jewish people by reporting them. All Jews and righteous Gentiles have a duty to “Stand Their Ground” and expose these would-be pretenders before it’s too late. If these people are successful, how will we know who is truly Jewish? How will we ensure that these spiritual terrorists will not kill the souls of our people (chas v’shalom) by poisoning their minds with foreign beliefs? Our security and that of our children’s who will one day marry be’ezras Hashem is at risk because of the three types of people you will read about below–the Messianics, the apostate Jew who helps them, and the unwitting Rabbi who doesn’t know any better. Read More